What is the goal of professional coaching?

Improved interpersonal skills: training, influence, motivation, communication, inspiration, conflict management and more. Team-building skills: training, effective delegation, performance management. Goals are measurable, time-limited indicators of achievement on the path to realizing your vision. They are objective and can be considered as a factual vision of the reality of the physical world.

A vision is a polar star that guides all work and goal-setting activities. Before setting any objective, we start with a vision of the desired future state, for ourselves and even for our entire organization. Senior leaders, who often receive executive advice, are better able than anyone else to achieve transformational change in their organizations, starting with their individual transformation. Therefore, the individual vision that a senior leader establishes can, and often does, be extended to an all-encompassing vision for the larger organization.

An important quality of a vision is that it is not a goal. The purpose of a vision statement is to awaken people's hearts and minds. For example, “achieving a 35% increase in sales in the next 18 months is not a vision. Remember that, by establishing a vision with your executive coach, you will eventually have the opportunity to enroll your team in a common vision, or even to facilitate a process by which the team develops a common vision for the entire company.

With an energizing and inspiring vision in hand, it's time to develop goals. Because if you don't take the trouble to intentionally describe a vision, then achieving the goals won't mean much to you. You may be achieving “business objectives”, but the “why” behind those objectives will be missing. So do yourself a favor and invest time and effort in a compelling vision.

Once you have a compelling vision, apply your imagination to devise ways to make that vision a reality through measurable and concrete projects or objectives. Evaluate opportunities in light of the best alternative for the company as a whole (rather than favoring a particular department or division). The purpose of executive coaching is to bring about significant change in an organization through effective leadership. Unfortunately, not all executive coaching is successful, but the coach isn't necessarily at fault in this case.

It is the lack of clear ideas about the objectives of coaching that limits the ability of executives and leaders to take full advantage of this opportunity. The objectives of executive coaching are different in each case, since they are based on the responsibilities, weaknesses and aspirations of the executive or employee receiving the training. While human resources professionals can help with internal conflicts, dealing with disputes within the company is often largely the responsibility of executives. Building trust is one of the coaching objectives that executives strive for because it makes them feel more efficient as leaders.

These objectives make it easy to measure and track the results of executive coaching and give you something to work towards. Based on these examples, you can also determine the best technique to use when training to be aligned with the specified objectives. It's also important to define measurable training objectives so that they can be easily aligned with business objectives. The objective is to identify which of the executive or leader's tasks can be delegated to other members of their team (without overloading their current workload) and which they can continue to perform.

However, common goals include improving focus and vision, the ability to handle internal conflicts, building relationships and teams, and better decision-making. There are many benefits of executive coaching that have real world applications in a professional environment. With your goals in hand, you'll have great topics of conversation with your coach in the early stages of your engagement. The coach and the leader define together what success looks like and how they will know that they have achieved the goal.

As you prepare for your first executive coaching session, you may now be researching examples of executive coaching objectives. Setting realistic and measurable goals is the goal of executives and leaders who decide to invest in coaching and get the most out of it. Regardless of your position, industry, and unique circumstances, here are some guidelines for setting your executive coaching goals, along with examples of the objectives and the thinking process that led them to achieve them. .

Kristin Almazan
Kristin Almazan

Hipster-friendly music junkie. Lifelong twitter scholar. Proud food buff. Unapologetic music specialist. Twitter trailblazer.

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