What experience do you need to be a coach?

To achieve the rank of professional coach, a candidate generally needs years of coaching experience and a winning record at a university. Coaches who don't have coaching experience can still be hired at a professional level if they were successful as athletes in their sport. There are a lot of different types of coaches and new niches are always emerging. How much you earn and what education you need to become a coach usually depend on the sector in which you want to work, so it's worth exploring all your options and choosing the one that best suits you.

Managing the expectations and opinions of a client about the relationship between the client and the coach and guiding them to an optimal outcome in such a way that it can differ from their own process requires diplomacy, experience and trust. Some types of coaching require experience and credentials, while others can be developed with creativity and good interpersonal skills. There are many misconceptions about how to become a successful coach that, in fact, prevent many people from expanding their practices and transforming the experiences of their clients. While there are fewer positions available at the high school level, it doesn't take much coaching experience to get an assistant coach position.

A good coach will also have been trained, done their own research in the field, and gained experience with a variety of clients. Coaches' salaries can vary greatly depending on location, experience, training and type of employment contract (freelance or in-house). Being a coach is about using proven experience and wisdom to help a client with practical guidance, advice, training, and exercises that help them achieve a specific personal or professional goal.

Kristin Almazan
Kristin Almazan

Hipster-friendly music junkie. Lifelong twitter scholar. Proud food buff. Unapologetic music specialist. Twitter trailblazer.

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