What are 3 qualities of a bad coach?

They use fear, humiliation and degrading and disrespectful behavior as “teaching tools”. They are emotionally and sometimes (indirectly) physically abusive. They directly and indirectly pressure athletes to continue playing when they are injured. They regularly put an end to the fun and passion that their athletes once had for sports.

One potential indicator of a bad coach is someone who prefers to give negative reinforcements rather than positive ones. Negative reinforcement isn't the end of the world, but it's more effective with older players, who can accept constructive criticism and apply it to themselves. Children will continue to improve the more they practice this sport. While coaches who use negative reinforcement try to help their players improve, many of them are also likely to take the fun out of the game.

Negative reinforcement may encourage some players to overcome themselves, but it is more likely to have the opposite effect on young athletes. All that said, coaches shouldn't be afraid to help players improve their skills by talking to them. That said, the fact that coaches are too casual is one thing. When coaches start to make it a routine to be late for everything, forget about the items needed at home to practice, or don't even schedule workouts.

No matter the scenario, when faced with a bad coach, it's the parents' responsibility to act in the best interest of the child, especially if the child's safety, health, or well-being is at stake. So, if parents are new to this sport or to the area, how can they avoid the difficulties of accidentally selecting a bad coach? Brooke de Lench, founder and editor-in-chief of Moms Team, an online youth sports information site for parents who play youth sports, understands the difficulties and tribulations of finding good coaches. What's worse, this type of training sets a bad example for athletes when it comes to sportsmanship, responsibility and team building, not to mention the effects that this training has on a child's self-esteem. These types of bad coaches are less receptive to advice or constructive criticism than the average coach.

While many coaches give players this opportunity, a bad coach can only play against their best players, when development should be the main concern. While these eight characteristics can help parents identify a bad coach, determining them depends on a certain amount of observation time. This is where parents and children often mistake a bad coach for a good coach, because the end result is victory. In her article 8 warning signs that your son has a bad coach, distinguished sports journalist and reporter Merlisa Lawrence Corbett identified the traits of a bad coach.

In general, a bad coach is also considered a transactional coach, with a short-term focus on winning. While this doesn't necessarily mean that coaches earn the title of bad coaches, coaches should try not to embarrass players in front of the rest of the team. By knowing and being able to identify the behaviors of bad coaches, parents are better prepared to make decisions that allow their children to enjoy sports and the playing season.

Kristin Almazan
Kristin Almazan

Hipster-friendly music junkie. Lifelong twitter scholar. Proud food buff. Unapologetic music specialist. Twitter trailblazer.

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